Get salary accounts for your team See benefits

By empowering millennials to withdraw their own hard-earned salary any day of the month, we are on a mission to protect them from hidden terms and conditions and high interest rates.
On-Demand Salary lets any user withdraw their salary based on the number of days they have worked, on any day of the month at 0% interest for 45 days.
We made a film to highlight the pitfalls of taking month-end loans from dubious apps.The film features a Pehelwaan – a henchman hired by such instant loan apps to recover any money they have lent from defaulters.
It uncovers the dark realities of taking instant loans, especially month-end loans, from such apps. The heartwarming story of one such Pehelwaan highlights the high-interest rates, hidden terms and conditions, and the dangerous repercussions of taking instant credit from such shady loan apps.
Priyanka Rao is a content strategist for Jupiter.Money, and specializes in writing on topics related to finance, banking, budgeting, salary & wages, and other financial matters. She has a passion for creating engaging content that resonates with audiences across various digital platforms. In her free time, Priyanka enjoys traveling and reading, which allows her to gain new perspectives and inspiration for her work. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mindset, Priyanka is committed to creating content that connects well with her readers, enhancing their digital experiences.
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